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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Book Slips

Name of book, author and genre.
Who were the main characters?
What was the problem/conflict in the story?
How was it resolved?
What is the theme of this book.
Give an example to support your theme.

Journal #3

* How was the problem solved?

* Give an example of foreshadowing in this book.
What was the hint and what was the result?

Journal #2

* Are there any new characters that have been introduced?

* Through whose perspective is this book being told?

* Give me another clue that you have found as to the time period of this book.

Journal #1

* List the main characters

* Tell me what time period in which this book takes place and one clue that tipped you off to this fact.
(i.e. how do the people dress, speak or live differently
than we do now.)

* What is the problem in the story?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

At Her Father's and Her Mother's Place

1. Why does Talya repeatedly postpone asking her father why they don't live all together as a family?

2. Why does Talya read the violet-colored note addressed to her father? Why does it seem to open "reluctantly"?

3. After reading the letter and writinf the note saying she is going home, why is she "panic stricken" when she hears her father coming home? Why does she fake being sick?

4. Why is Talya more relaxed and happy at her father's house?

5. Why does Talya's mother always tell her of the distressing thinkgs she sees at her work?

6. Why doesn't Talya ask questions about why her mother must help everyone who needs her? Why doesn't she protest about her mother giving "all her time" to other people and having so little time to spend with Talya?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wonderful "Words of the Day"

I LOVE words; don't you? Over the past two months we have learned many new "wonderful words". I want you to choose 10 of these words and write them in a sentence and then impress your friends and family by using them in your writing and your everyday conversations!!!! It will be worth a bonus!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


1. Who were the main characters in the book?

2. Give a brief summary of your book. Include DETAILS.

3. What was the problem?

4. How was the problem resolved?

5. What was the theme? Support your reasoning by giving examples of how the story showed the theme.

6. How can you connect to the theme?

Friday, December 01, 2006


1. What did Tony want to buy with his newpaper money? Were his parents in favor of that?

2. What were the conditions Tony's parents laid out before they purchased the boat?

3. What happened on Tony's first sailing lesson?

4. What was interesting about Tony's grandfather's model boat? (hint--look back at the prologue)

5. Do you think there is a treasure? why or why not?


1. What did Tony want to buy with his newpaper money? Were his parents in favor of that?

2. What were the conditions Tony's parents laid out before they purchased the boat?

3. What happened on Tony's first sailing lesson?

4. What was interesting about Tony's grandfather's model boat? (hint--look back at the prologue)

5. Do you think there is a treasure? why or why not?

Charlotte Doyle

1. Was Charlotte happy to be on the Seahawk? Why or why not?

2. What did Zaacharia give Charlotte? Where did she put it?

3. Why was Charlotte comforted by the captain?

4. When Charlotte tried to give Zachariah back the "dirk" how did he try and explain why they should be friends and what did he tell her about why she should keep it?

5. Based on the prologue and what has happened so far--predict what will happen.

Nothing But the Truth

1. Who is telling us the story?

2. Why can't Phillip be on the track team?

3. What did Mrs. Narwin ask for? Did she get it? Why or why not?

4. Why was Mrs. Narwin disappointed?

5. How do you think Phillip will do with his new homeroom teacher? Support your answer.

SOR Losers

1. Are the boys excited about their soccer team? Why or why not?

2. What was the first problem they had?

3. How bad did they lose their first game?

4. Who did Ed get as his partner in history class? Was he excited?

5. Why did Mr. Lester want to see Ed in his classroom? Was Ed pleased when he left? Why or why not?

MidNight Magic

1. Why did Fabrizio try to tell the soldier that Magnus was not a magician?

2. Why was Fabrizio so upset when he had to go tell his master that the soldier was there? Why did he think it was his fault?

3. What did the king want with Magnus?

4. go through the chapters you read and find at least 4 words with which you are not familar and tell me what they mean based on the context (in other words how they are used in the sentence).

Sunday, October 29, 2006


1. Why does Louie insist that George can't play in the big game unless he turns in the money he owes?
2. Why does Louie turn down his chance to hit George while the other boys are holding him?
3. Why does Louie announce in front of the Zodiacs and George's gang that he was mistaken about the amount of money George owes?
4. Why is the story told so that the success of the Zodiacs depends on both George and Louie?
5. Why does George want to play with Zodiacs?
6. Why does Goerge challenge Louie's claim that he owes twelve dollars toward the raffle? Why does George try to steal the money when he is the star of the team and getting "good press"?
7. Why does George agree to give back the eight dollars that Louie says he owes so he can continue playing with the Zodiacs?
8. Why does George bring his gang along when he confronts Louie after the big game?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Take Offs and Landings

1. What do you think is the theme of this book? Support your answer with examples that helped the author reveal the theme.

2. How did Chuck, Lori and Mom change over the course of the story?

3. How can you connect to this theme?

Running Out of Time

1. What do you think is the theme of this book? Support your answer with examples from the story that helped the author show the theme.

2. How did Jessie change over the course of the story?

3. How can you connect to this theme?

Leaving Fishers

1. What do you think the theme of this book is? Support your answer with examples of how the author revealed the theme.

2. How did the Dorry change over the course of the book?

3. How can you connect to this theme?
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